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Peak Mountain 3

Wide Awake Nightmare

FA Sam Weir, 2014?


Together with Finders Keepers, these are perhaps the best two king lines in Southwestern PA. Stand start begins standing with both hands in the seam, just to the left of the dihedral that is Finders Keepers. Climb straight up the seam, trend slightly left, and then once you hit the rail, traverse all the way right to top out in the corner. This problem is just as, if not more exhilarating than it's sister king line to the right. A bit safer now that the landing is a bit smoother, but still quite tall and scary. Not for the feint of heart. The sit start to this problem is one of the best undone lines in SWPA. Start all the way down in the pit on rock that can be slightly damp. Do a long move out the roof and onto some of the best stone in SWPA--these holds are the feet of the stand start. Move through a very shouldery crux that is perhaps V12 on it's own, so a long v12 into a highball v10...V13 altogether?


Stand start in the seem. Just to left of Finders Keepers.


Pads on pads on pads.