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Peak Mountain 3

The Shield

FA Jamie Cunningham, Neal Brodien, September 1992


From the left side of the tree, climb to the top of two right-points flakes, and then up the left of two short, blunt arêtes (the rock between the arêtes is often wet) to a large ledge. Continue up the face above the ledge, heading towards the left side of an 18 inch overhang. Pull through the overhang on good hands (probably the crux – get your left foot up high on the face) to the face above with a thin crack. The best climbing on the route is above the overhang – the moves will keep you thinking. Pass through one more small overlap en route to a two bolt anchor at the top of the wall. Fun route.


Starts just left of a large pine tree near the base of the wall on the right (south) side of The Shield. It is just before the smooth (but dirty) face that marks the Grunge Wall. Look for a small 18 overhang about half way up the face.


Standard rack, 2 bolt anchor.