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Peak Mountain 3

Gunsmoke Over Lander

FA Jake Dickerson (May 2020)


Prepare thy monos for battle!

Gunsmoke Over Lander is a short burly route that requires power, precision, and the gumption to crank on some monos. There are 6 single pad monos on the route, with 4 of them requiring some serious try hard.

From the ground, It is pretty easy getting to the little shelf where you can clip the 3rd bolt and rest for as long as you want. Once you leave the ledge, it is on until you clip the chains (basically a long V7? pocket boulder). Make long pulls between tiny pockets and terrible feet. Clip the last bolt (or the one below) from a good right hand crimp, and make a few more hard moves pulling over the bulge. It is in the shade until 3PM or so.

The route is named after the upcoming Sci-Fi Western Comedy novel to be released in 2040.

EDIT: Now after others have tried it, 5.13b sounds more fitting than the original 13a rating.


When you come to the main area from the trail, walk left along the trail by the cliff for 1 minute. It is the route right of the little cave.


6 Bolts to Rings. It is very well protected, and I skip the last bolt.