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Peak Mountain 3

UN-Happy Feet Traverse

FA Adam Jenkins, June 2019


Start on a big pocket with both hands to the far right of the boulder. Reach to the sharp ledge above and to the left, stick the heel on the starting pocket. Match on the sharp ledge, cut feet and find some small chips to the right. Left hand to the obvious jug, tension move to match, and then start the crux with left hand to the far left crimp (may have to bump from right crimp to left). Cut feet again and stick a slick ledge below and way to the left with the left foot, flagging with the right. Static move to the right crimp with the right hand, and then bump up the left hand to a jug edge to the left. Match on the jug edge or go for the big reach to the final hold on the bottom ledge way to the left. Match on this final hold and then bump up to the top of the boulder on the left to an easy top out with a really safe mantle to end.

This problem features very few feet, and can get pumpy through the crux. Great warm-up problem with fantastic protection - little to no risk, even on the heel. 


Find the huge, obvious pocket on the far right of the boulder for a double start. Problem starts on the right side of the big boulder on top, goes under it, and then finishes to the left of it (if looking from Meridian Boulder). 


Crash pad, maybe two if you got em

Routes in Post Meridian

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    UN-Happy Feet Traverse