- Edit (TBD)
Good warm up on now mostly solid rock. BETA ALERT: Lower crux is leaving the hueco just below the third bolt. The left side and top of the hueco are good and there is a large crimp about two feet up. The feet here are kinda thin and questionable. The upper crux (above the last bolt) can be done either left or right.
From the anchor, you can go left for a nice 5.10 extension with 3 or 4 bolts (either extend our back-clean the anchor draw), or go to a single bolt up and right that protects a sideways dyno and connects you to the top of Zombee. Either skip the anchor or clip it with a shoulder length sling for either finish. Grade of the right dyno is unclear, but the top of R.I.B. is mid-10.
Starts just left of R.I.B. which is the tallest climb on the wall.
6 bolts (they're a little spread out in sections)