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Peak Mountain 3

The Art Of Flight

FA Michael Madsen


Stand start with your feet on the good ledge. Left hand goes around on the small good side pull. Right hand goes on crimp. Throw your right heel up into the crack find the "hidden" toe hook that is bomber. Slap your right hand up the right side. Get your left foot high and throw for the jug hold. Its a decent throw that some will have to let loose fully for the dyno. Be warned this hold if not caught right will shred your hands. I've seen a hand with many flappers after an attempt. Its a good hold if you just commit and stick it. Move up the fun easy terrain up top. The sit has been done just solidifies the grade. There has also been another sds from the right side coming into the problem.


Right most side of the northeast face of the boulder, starts on a small horizontal shelf at shin height.


Crash pads