- Edit (TBD)
Start in the middle of the flat wall left of the deepest recess, across the gap from Sanitarium. First pitch is all bolts,10b, thought provoking steep face climbing on big square cuts (known as Eagle Peak flattops). From the belay, the second pitch moves right and up an intermittent crack with gear protection to a bolted belay. Move right again into a left facing, gear protected corner that steps up and left to a big roof. The roof is passed on a bolt protected face to its right, 5.11. After the bolted section, the climbing eases to 5.7 protected with gear up to a 3” cam, or it’s an exciting, exposed runout to the 3rd belay on the right end of a big wide ledge. Follow bolts straight up and slightly left to the top out on the fourth pitch, moderate 5.10 on big holds and good stone. This route has great variety, good stone, and just a little vegetation
Fifty feet left of the deepest part of the Summit Wall Recess.
Mixed - gear selection from wired stoppers to 3” cams, light rack