- Edit (TBD)
This was established while trying to escape the chaos of the COVID-19 outbreak. Make sure to bring your TP, hand santizer, and bottled water to stay safe on this one.
P1: 10 bolts, 2 bolt anchor, 105 feet. Start in the large dihedral directly below the EIH. Scramble up the dihedral to a bolt 20 feet up, then move left towards a small tree. Clip the 2nd bolt just to the right of the tree, then move straight up the juggy face and into a small alcove. Climb up the broken corner above, clip a slightly hidden bolt from the top of corner, and pull into the face to reach a 2 bolt anchor.
P2: 9 bolts, 2 bolt anchor, 105 feet. Scramble up easy terrain to the right of the anchor to a bolt right below a small roof. Work your way up to jugs just over the roof and another bolt. Power through the roof, and dance your way up a nice, exposed face, through slightly crumbly rock that should clean up with more traffic. Finish on some lower angle rock past another bolt to a 2 bolt anchor on the Cat Walk.
It has great moderate climbing that provides direct access to the right side of EIH and can be done as one monster pitch with proper extension in key places.
Please don't steal biners on two bolt anchors!!! Each anchor has 4 biners (2 on each bolt), and these are there to rap off and keep the rope properly oriented.
Take the access trail to the base of the Halidom. After scrambling up the loose gully just above the boulderfield, locate the first prominent dihedral, directly below EIH. The first bolt is approximately 20 feet up this dihedral on the left hand wall.
10 draws or 20 if linking pitches (3 or 4 alpine slings to reduce drag).
Routes in Main Wall
- 7Pandemonium5.9+Sport · Alpine