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Peak Mountain 3

Not Your Daddy's Dihedrals

FA Sam Tyler + Colin Havercamp, 6/18/16


Start up slabby climbing past 2 bolts. Find gear starting just before a left-facing dihedral, and continue up until a bolt becomes visible on the right. Clip and step across to the 1st belay ledge. Now you're on the money pitch! From the anchor, head right then up past 2 more bolts to the dihedral above. Place gear making sure to extend as you approach the roof. Step left through the obvious weakness then back right to the anchors.

I recommend a rap here; however, you can follow the path of least resistance to the anchors above to gain the summit.


Start directly below 1st dihedral.


5 bolts, bolted anchors, and a standard rack from a yellow C3-#2 C4.

Routes in Midgard Wall

  1. 3
    Not Your Daddy's Dihedrals