HomeUSAKentuckyRed River GorgeMiller Fork Recreational Preserve (MFRP)CamelotBrave Sir Robin5.10b/cBring out Your Dead5.95.7sportFA Jen Cohen, Joey Saeler 2017CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Camelot1Arthur, King of the Britons5.8Sport2Huge Tracts of Sand5.8Trad3Brave Sir Robin5.10b/cSport4Chicken of Augnor5.7Sport 5Bring out Your Dead5.9Trad6See You on Thursday5.8Sport7I Fart in Your General Direction5.8Trad8Castle Awed5.8Sport9Ralfe the Wonder Llama5.8Sport10Trojan Rabbit5.9Sport11English Pip Dogs5.9+Sport12Ham and Jam and Spam5.10aSport13Your Mother Was A Hamster5.10cSport14Every Crimp is Sacred5.11bSport15Holy Hand Grenades5.6Trad16The Keeper5.9Sport17The Enchanter5.10cSport18The Bright Side of Life5.7Trad19But a Scratch5.7Sport20A Sacred Quest5.12aSport21The French Taunt5.12cSport22Lady of the Lake5.10aSport23She's a Witch5.10aSport24Now We See the Violence Inherent in the System5.9+Trad25Holy Grail5.10dSport26European Swallow5.8Sport27African Swallow5.6Trad28The Snows of Winter5.8Sport29Ecki Ptang Zoom Boing5.11bSport30The Knights who say B5.11bSport31A Herring5.10dSport32Roger the Shrubber5.10aSport