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Peak Mountain 3

Green Eggs and Sam

FA FRA Sam Boyce, Zack Lovell Oct 2017


This route climbs the lower tier of the wall. It is surprisingly steep and has a fair bit of fun climbing. It is however is very much an adventure route, expect some crispy potato chips P1- Start right of the obvious crack system and traverse in when natural. Head up through the rotten chimney and exit right to a belay ledge. 5.9 P2- Straight up cracks to a steep bulge, a stem box and hand crack above leads to another good ledge on the right. 5.9 P3/4- Head up the face toward the right facing corner above. optional short belay here or continue up and left to a ledge and a belay below a roof formed by a MASSIVE detached rock. 5.8+ P5- Up the right facing corner to a stance. 5.9 P6- Up easier terrain to the base of the upper part of the wall

Decent- This is best climbed in combination with "The Wave", when you top out, look up and left and you will see the start of this route. The combination of these two routes makes for a fun and very moderate 1700' day. Otherwise you are now at the top of a 4th class ramp system that cuts down and right and goes all the way to the wash. The scramble down this ramp is unmarked but not unreasonable to figure out.


Approach the base area of the wall cross country from slightly up-canyon.


Doubles to 3 single 5

Routes in The Wave